Secure Monitoring

HarborSafe Global Protection Smart Building Solution

Advance property management with technology for optimised environments

Property management companies face constant challenges in their endeavours to create a comfortable, safe and superior working or living environment. Other than security duties, property management companies also have to take care of all aspects of the building under their management, from visitor management to ensuring building installations and equipment are in good repair. How can that be done without the luxury of having the manpower to man all locations round the clock? Technology is here to help take care of all property management needs and challenges.

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Advance property management with technology for optimised environments

In answer to the needs for elevating property management services, HarborSafe Global Protection introduces the Smart Building solution using the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect a sensor network for centralized monitoring of every corner and installation of a building, right down to the pump /electrical room. With an eye on every detail, property management companies can resolve issues instantaneously, and take action to prevent costly incidents.

The HarborSafe Global Protection Smart Building Solution empowers property management companies to have complete monitoring coverage of all areas of a building, from the lobby to the back door, from elevators to the rooftop, plus all major building and utility installations.

HarborSafe Global Protection
 Smart Building Solution Features - EN

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  • CCTV and access control systems at lobby, management office, back door and rooftop, all entries recorded
  • Remote monitoring of pump/electrical rooms, enabling instant alert of power outage, or water level exceeding preset warning level to trigger early crisis control action
  • Upgraded visitor management system allowing residents to open door for visitors via a QR code or smartphone; as well as generating monthly visitor records
  • Direct call to the management office by residents or visitors to access help whenever required
  • Generating a work order in the event of emergency work, with an alert sent to the relevant team (e.g. electrician or patrol team) to resolve problems on site; the indication on the IoT system will automatically return to “normal” after the work order is completed
  • Connect with a building’s CCTV system for real-time monitoring of designated locations, e.g. CCTV recording instantly triggered when the back door or rooftop door is opened, and the recording will be sent to the operations team


  • One-stop monitoring and problem-solving to deliver personalized experience for owners and residents
  • Remote monitoring of specific sites to prevent loss of properties
  • Optimized usage of manpower, by sending patrol personnel onsite for solving problems only when required
  • Compiling IoT collected data into insightful reports, including patrol reports and recurring problems (such as water leakage in bathrooms), for improving building management

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More service: Security Guard | Facial Recognition | Video Analytics Solutions | Cyber Security

HarborSafe Global Protection
 Solutions - service booklet 2022    

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