About Us

Environment, Health & Safety

Commitment to long-term health, safety and sustainability of all stakeholders

HarborSafe Global Protection takes protection seriously in all aspects of our business, ensuring the long-term health, safety and sustainability of our clients, our employees and the environment.

Environmental Health & Safety Policy

Certified to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, HarborSafe Global Protection’s Environmental Health and Safety Policy clearly specifies our commitment to our clients, our staff and the natural environment:

Environmental Health & Safety Policy
Protect the natural environment and the health and safety of our client and employees is one of HarborSafe Global Protection’s core values.
Continuously improve our environmental, health and safety performance by establishing clearly defined objectives and targets to minimise pollution, improve utilisation of resources and reduce staff injuries and illness.
Comply with all applicable regulatory requirements and other relevant environmental health and safety measures.
Enhance environmental awareness and occupational health and safety awareness in our staff through appropriate training.
Continuously improve our environmental management and occupational health and safety management systems.
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